DRK x Fab Lab Siegen: 3D-Printing and Robotic Workshops for young people!

Fab Lab Siegen is not only a space for creation, but also for knowledge transfer. In our Fab Lab, we want to give everyone access to technology and knowledge. Since mid January 2023, we have been welcoming young refugees from Ukraine once a week (fridays from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm).

Together we try out different technologies. So far, we were able to get to know 3D printing, laser cutting and robotics as well as programming with the Calliope Mini. We also held a PC-builder workshop where the participants were taught how to dis- and reassemble a computer. Through hands-on activities including play-doh modeling, Tinkercad design sessions and 3D printing projects, participants can bring their ideas to life. The creations span from protective cases for the Calliope mini microcontroller, Batman-themed rings and stylish key chains, all the way to meticulously crafted miniature cars.

Using a digital hangman game, developed by Hina Firdaus, we were able to teach the children fundamental programming skills. These first experiences paved the way to showing them further programming concepts like loops, conditional statements and variables.
With this knowledge we were able to realize exciting projects, e.g., a light sensor-equipped scooter, a functional traffic light simulation and even a miniature piano that responds to its programming inputs.

Thanks to funding from the Bürgerstiftung Siegen, we were able to organize and run this series of workshops in close cooperation with the DRK Kreisverband Siegen-Wittgenstein e.V.. So far, we have held more than 35 sessions, teaching more than 20 enthusiastic participants about the technologies in our Fab Lab.

The workshops are led by our team, especially Hina Firdaus and Marios Mouratidis. In addition, we have dedicated volunteers, including among others the honorary translators Anastasiya Nazarava, Gkiorgki Tataridis and Sonal Seth as well as technical support from Florian Anderes and Mallikarjuna Reddy. All of them support our workshops, ensuring that participants have an enjoyable and inclusive learning experience.

In our Fab Lab, we are committed to creating a safe environment where people can learn and grow together with us.
We’re looking forward to the upcoming weeks! If you are interested in helping, feel free to contact Sara Schneider via E-Mail (). We are still looking for more helpers who would like to shape the program with us.

Build your own PC! – the Computer-Workshop

For the first time, we held a two-part workshop at the Fab Lab, where young people learnt the basics of the components that are used in a computer. Besides a few short theoretical parts, the main focus was on practice: we wanted to enable the participants to apply what they have learnt in practice.

As you might remember: with the support of SIEGENIA, we were able to transport four pallets full of computers that were donated to us. These made it possible for each participant to work on their own PC and even take it home with them at the end – free of charge!

In the first part of the workshop, we started from scratch – no previous experience needed. We clarified questions such as “What is a computer?” and “How does it work?”. To summarise briefly: A computer is an information processing machine that receives, processes and outputs data from users.

We then explained the individual components of a computer to the participants and showed them where they can be found inside the computer. The importance of thermal paste was also discussed in this section of the workshop, which helps to cool the main processor (CPU) so that the computer does not overheat.

The third and final theoretical part dealt with how a computer can be kept clean to prevent “dust bunnies” and ensure air flow. If you clean your computer regularly, you can save time and money, as it will last longer! Therefore, the individual parts must be cleaned carefully. They should be removed one by one and cleaned with cotton buds and isopropanol, never with water!

With all this knowledge, we then moved on to the practical part. The participants were now able to start disassembling their computers part by part, first SSD, then RAM, then the CPU fan and finally the CPU itself. A handout explaining the individual steps enabled the participants to work independently.

Individual parts, including the fan and the CPU, were then cleaned before the participants could begin to reassemble the computer. This also involved using the thermal paste, which was applied to the CPU in the shape of an ‘X’.

After that, the participants learnt about operating systems and installed one on their own computer. It manages applications and combines hardware and software. It is there to manage files, memory and running processes and provides the user interface.

Finally, it was important for us to inform the participants about possible dangers on the internet so that they are well prepared to use the computer after the workshop. Among other things, we took a closer look at data and browser security, phishing as well as scams. Therefore, we used case studies to illustrate these topics in a realistic way for the participants.

We had a lot of fun organising this workshop and are happy that we are able to offer such a workshop. The Computer-Workshop will continue to take place in the future. If you are interested in participating or supporting as a volunteer, you are welcome to contact Jonas Kosiahn via email (). Maybe we’ll see each other at the next one!

Exciting Fab-Lab-Workshops at the MINT-Mitmachtage 2023

From the 12th-14th of September 2023, the MINT-Mitmachtage took place, where local pupils had the opportunity to get to know the exciting world of STEM fields (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology). Of course, we wouldn’t miss the opportunity to take part in such an event, because it is very important to us to support STEM education and to show pupils how exciting these fields are and what kind of things you can design and create yourself. We have often had the opportunity to work with schools and make our lab available as an out-of-school educational space. This enables pupils to learn about interesting new technologies and realise their own creative projects.

For the MINT-Mitmachtage we prepared two exciting workshops for the pupils: they had the opportunity to learn microcontroller programming with a Calliope Mini kit or to dive into the world of 3D printing.

The 3D-printing-Workshop started with an introduction explaining, among other things, the structure of a 3D printer and the process of additive manufacturing, which is the process of building a model layer by layer. We then taught the pupils the basics of 3D modelling as well as the printing process and introduced them to the modelling software TinkerCad. It is free and open source, enabling the pupils, e.g., to continue modelling independently at home. After that, they were well prepared to work on their own little projects. They designed their own key chains and then printed them three-dimensionally in the DIGITALUM bus using our Prusa i3 MK3S and MK3S+ printers. They also had the opportunity to take a look at the technologies in the bus, e.g., a virtual reality station, a thermoforming machine, a laser cutter, a plotter and a soldering station.

In the Microcontroller-Programming-Workshop, the pupils learned how to give instructions to microcontrollers using block code. We showed them the importance of programming and what it can be used for, e.g., creating websites and developing operating systems. Electronic devices like mobile phones and washing machines or also traffic lights only work because of their programming. Additionally, the pupils were taught basic algorithms and the science behind programming in a playful manner. In the practical part of the workshop, the children were able to actively program something with the Calliope Mini kit. At first, they connected the microcontrollers and opened the corresponding browser version of the program “Open Roberta Lab”. They were able to choose whether they wanted to program a traffic light or a mini piano, but also had the freedom to contribute and realize their own ideas.

In total, over 1000 children took part in the MINT-Mitmachtage. We would like to sincerely thank the Regionales Bildungsbüro des Kreises Siegen-Wittgenstein for organising the event. We enjoyed giving the workshops and hope that we were able to fill many pupils with enthusiasm for the exciting world of STEM fields!

Project Day with the Gymnasium auf der Morgenröthe

On September 15, there was a lot going on at the Fab Lab: students from the Gymnasium auf der Morgenröthe visited us again. They spent the morning here at the Lab together with their teacher, Stefan Schramm, as part of a project day. The reason for this project day was the upcoming school fair celebrating the 50th anniversary of their school, for which each class had to prepare a stand.

The students had therefore decided to offer a wheel of fortune game with prizes. In order to plan and realize their idea here at the Lab, the students were divided into three groups.

The first group took on the task of designing and printing various prizes for the wheel of fortune game. This is where our 3D printers came into play. Different key chains as well as shopping cart chips were printed with the help of our 3D printer farm.

The second group designed and built the wheel of fortune itself. It was produced on our large CO2 laser cutter. The last group had the equally important task of documenting the entire day. The Lab Tour and the 3D printing process as well as the laser cutting, everything had been documented in the form of a video. You can watch the video here:

Overall, it was a successful project day with amazing results! It was great to see how committed and creative the students were in mastering the tasks and how well they worked together as a team. We are happy to have been able to support the students in their preparations for the school fair celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Gymnasium auf der Morgenröthe. We hope that the fair was a great success!

User-Story: Realization of a Planning and Development Project at the Fab Lab

Four students realized their planning and development project in the Fab Lab as part of their studies. This type of project is offered as a course as part of the Mechanical Engineering Program of Faculty IV at the University of Siegen. In this course, students work in groups on innovative technologies and concepts, which they present in a plenary session and document in a final report.

The goal of this project was to design a test rig for rubber bearing measurements in the chassis that can test all six degrees of freedom, since the current test rig of the Institute of Automotive Lightweight Design at the University of Siegen is not capable of doing so. The students focused on measuring U-bearings and RU-bearings.

In order to be able to realize the concept they developed, they needed bearing supports that would hold the various bearings when subjected to the test forces. To do this, they developed a model for a U-bearing support and an RU-bearing support and then printed them three-dimensionally using one of our Prusa printers in the Fab Lab.

The respective bearings can be attached to the support with the help of four screws. In order to be able to screw the bearing supports to, e.g., a base or adapter, they have eight holes on each side. This allows them to withstand any load, whether translational or rotational. Both bearing supports can be mounted to the required motor – linear lifting cylinder or three-phase motor – depending on the spatial direction to be measured, and can be screwed to necessary aids such as rails, rollers, an adapter or a rotatably mounted table.

On the drawing you can see an exemplary test rig. This shows how the printed bearing supports, developed by the students, can be used in a translational measurement with the linear stroke cylinder and in a rotational measurement with a three-phase motor.

Test rig for the translational measurement (linear stroke cylinder) and the rotational measurement (three-phase motor)

We are happy that the Fab Lab can support students in their studies. So, if you also have a project in mind – whether as part of your studies or personal – just come by during our opening hours!

An evening full of nostalgia – The Fab Lab Game Night Vol. III

It was that time again! The Fab Lab Game Night Vol. III took place in collaboration with Startpunkt57 and the Entrepreneurship Center of the University of Siegen on July 11, 2023 under the theme “Don’t Stop Gaming” and exceeded all our expectations. The Fab Lab opened its doors for an unforgettable evening full of games, music and good vibes.

Four different consoles were ready to make gamers’ hearts beat faster. The Nintendo Switch offered a selection of the latest games, but the nostalgic feeling was not neglected either: with the Sega Mega Drive, the Sega Master System (SMS) and the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), gamers were able to travel back in time.

But what would a Fab Lab Game Night be without the right music? DJs Pyrenzo and Unicorn Crew created an electrifying atmosphere in the Fab Lab with their infectious beats and melodic sounds.

In addition to the fun, food and drinks were also provided: a delicious selection of pizzas was available for the visitors to refuel their energy for the gaming sessions. Free drinks were also available at the “Fab Fridges” to quench any thirst and perfectly round off the great atmosphere.

The Fab Lab Game Night Vol. III was a complete success. The combination of music, different consoles and great people created a unique atmosphere. A big thank you to the people who organized this Game Night with a lot of passion and commitment!
We are already looking forward to the next Fab Lab Game Night and hope that we will see many of you again! On that note: Don’t Stop Gaming!🎮

“We have 300 computers in the basement, do you want them?”

Of course we want them: 6-core i5 CPUs, M.2 SSDs and 8 GB DDR4 Ram are a good basis for an office or gaming computer. As you know, we have been getting more and more involved in STEM education since last year. So this calls for a cool format where we can dismantle computers, assemble them back together and then give them to participants for free. Thus, we were happy to accept the offer.

But how do we transport 300 computers to the Fab Lab? That’s not only 1,800 CPU cores, 2,400 GB Ram and 150,000 GB memory in total, but also 2.1t total weight…
The Lions Club Siegen and the SIEGENIA GROUP were kind enough to help us. “We do not have a truck available, but we will rent one for you.”, said Wieland Frank, owner of SIGENIA GROUP. Two employees also came to support. Thanks again!

Now we are planning a new workshop series that (hopefully) launches in October:

“Build your own computer” (just a working title, suggestions are welcome).

The idea: young participants take apart computers with us, we look at the components and how they work and then reassemble them together. Afterwards an operating system will be installed and at the end the participants can take the computers home.

We can use your support:

  • Helpers to support the workshop implementation,
  • 300 mice, keyboards and/or monitors (could be used, but should be working and clean)

Schools are welcome to contact us. We heard that a few computer rooms here and there could be renewed.

We would like to do some research on the workshop as part of our EnvironMINT project to analyze the conditions for success of good STEM education in more detail. How can workshops be designed in an appealing way – especially to get young women and girls interested in STEM topics?

History lesson on STEM activities of the Fab Lab
With FAB:MAKE, we were able to purchase hardware that allows us to carry out workshops with smaller groups. As part of EnvironMINT, we are investigating the conditions for success of good STEM education with our partners (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, HS Rhein-Waal). In cooperation with Digitalum Bus, we are able to bring the topics mainly to the more rural areas in the old district of Wittgenstein.

From time to time, school classes also visit us and we carry out project days. But that’s not quite enough for us. We would like to build a strong network in Siegen-Wittgenstein with actors in the region: Schools, associations, companies, MINT partners and many more.

A lot of strong partners are already involved: Fab Lab Siegen, Digitalum-Wittgenstein gGmbH, FRids e.V., DRK Kreisverband Siegen Wittgenstein e.V., Bildungszentrum Wittgenstein, Lions Club Siegen, companies such as SIEGENIA GROUP and Pollrich GmbH, but also some schools as well as the Siegerlandmuseum.

We hope that the network will continue to grow and are excited about what we will achieve together in the future!

SchülerInnen bei den MINT-Mitmachtagen 2022: Wie funktioniert das mit dem 3D-Druck eigentlich?

Vergangene Woche fanden die MINT-Mitmachtage statt. Vom 13.09 bis zum 15.09 wurde dazu das Fab Lab Team vom Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein auf den Vorplatz des Kreishauses eingeladen. Jedes Jahr im September nehmen rund 1000 Kinder und Jugendliche aller Schulformen und Kitas an unterschiedlichsten MINT-Angeboten zum Experimentieren, Erleben und Entdecken teil. Das Fab Lab war als außerschulischer Lernort Teil der verschiedenen Forschungs- und Entdeckungsstationen. Das Fab Lab konnte nämlich im Rahmen der REACT-EU Förderung, neue Rechner anschaffen, welche nun für Menschen ohne eigene Rechner zur Verfügung stehen.

Das Team hatte einen Workshop zur Einführung in den 3D-Druck vorbereitet. Insgesamt haben daran sechs SchülerInnengruppen ab der achten Klasse aus Hauptschulen und Gymnasien teilgenommen. In einem Zelt entstand dafür ein kleines, mobiles Fab Lab. Mitgebracht haben wir insgesamt sechs unserer acht Prusa 3D-Drucker und zehn unserer Laptops.

Zuerst erfolgte eine kleine theoretische Einführung zu Grundlagen, Designgrundsätze, Gefahren, Modellieren und Slicen. Nach einem kurzen Demonstrationsteil durften die SchülerInnen selbst Hand anlegen: Sie konnten ihre eigenen Schlüsselanhänger in dem kostenlosen Programm Tinkercad erstellen. Sobald das Modell fertig war, übertrugen die SchülerInnen diese in den Slicer, bereiteten sie für den 3D Druck vor und konnten ihre Designs anschließend selbstständig drucken. Dabei standen wir den SchülerInnen selbstverständlich für alle Fragen und Probleme zur Seite. Kreiert wurden beispielsweise Anhänger mit Initialen und Namen, oder auch Objekte, wie Schwerter und Tischtennisschläger. Diese durften die SchülerInnen am Ende des Workshops mit nach Hause nehmen.

Trotz Regens schien innerhalb des Zeltes die Sonne: Wir haben uns sehr über das Engagement und Interesse der SchülerInnen gefreut und hoffen, ihnen den 3D-Druck etwas näher gebracht zu haben!


Harder. Faster. Pilz

Kommenden Durst…Donnerstag, 7. Juli, 19 Uhr: Sandstraße 26 in Siegen!

Tanzen, Zocken & Getränke die ganze Nacht. Spielt eine Runde Mario Kart (Switch & SNES) oder Street Fighter 2 (SNES) mit oder gegen uns. Lasst und das Ende des Semesters mit vielen Drinks, leckerem vegetarischem und veganem Essen sowie guter Musik feiern

Alle sind willkommen. Wir haben Essen und Bier für alle, und natürlich umsonst.
Keine Anmeldung erforderlich.

Offene Uni

Am 14. Mai waren wir mit einem Stand bei der Offenen Uni am Unteren Schloss vertreten. Mit im Gepäck hatten wir ein paar 3D-Drucker, unseren Roboterarm, sowie unsere Augmented Reality Sandbox.

Über den Unteren Schloßplatz verteilt, waren jede Menge Einrichtungen und Studiengänge und Forschungsprojekte vertreten, um sich vorzustellen. Es hat uns sehr gefreut das viele von euch uns besucht haben. Klar, das Wetter war schön und es gab‘ ja auch einen Eiscreme-Truck direkt neben unserem Zelt.

Am Stand konnten Besucher:innen lernen mit dem 3D-Drucker umzugehen, es gab‘ viele Interessierte, die schließlich mit eigenen gedruckten Teilen nach Hause gehen konnten. Unser Roboterarm, hat munter den ganzen Tag gezeigt, wie man Objekte 3D scannen und digitalisieren kann (um sie dann beispielsweise mit den 3D Drucker zu replizieren). Die Augmented Reality Sandbox kam besonders gut an. Man kann mit dem Sand eine Topografie einer Landkarte interaktiv verändern, Berge und Täler bauen, um dann anschließend mit einer Wasser- und Regen-Simulation den Fluss des Wassers auf der Karte zu beobachten. Eine tolle Möglichkeit, etwas über Topografie und Augmented Reality zu lernen.