Please see out calendar for further information on the times the safety instruction is offered. The safety instruction introduces the rules and provides the basis for working in the Lab.
Frequent Questions about the Instructions
What is a safety instruction and what do I need it for?
A safety instruction allows individual working on the machines for which one was instructed
For whom are safety instructions?
In principle, anyone interested can participate in a safety instruction from the age of 14. For participants under 18, as well as for the use of the Lab in general, the consent of a parent or guardian is required, as well as an assurance of the duty of supervision.
What is the cost of a safety instruction?
The safety instruction is free for all participants.
How long does a safety instruction take?
We should be through with everything after 90 minutes.
And when can I start working on the machines?
To work on the machines, please visit us during Open Lab hours.
Do I have to register?
No. Registration is not required. Just come to the lab on time for the appointment. Staff members will be in the lab and will determine the program for each instruction together with the interested participants present. Safety instructions take place on every Wednesday from 4 PM to 6 PM. Additionally, there is a safety instruction on every first Wednesday from 6 PM to 8 PM.