Here you will find answers to questions we are frequently asked. The abbreviation FAQ comes from English and stands for “Frequently Asked Questions”.
All the information regarding the current regulations can be found in the menu within the page "Corona".
The use of the lab is currently free of charge, but (material) donations and the like are very welcome. The most valuable currency for us is knowledge - please share your experiences with the community and also remember to send us info (e.g. photos) of your projects.
The lab can be used in many ways. Here you can work on our machines and also exchange with the community. Furthermore, our room can be used in many ways.
No! Everybody is welcome.
We generally do not sell materials in the lab. For the use of the 3D printer, we provide material from us to try out.
Material for laser and plotter must be brought by yourself or the leftover pieces of past projects may be processed free of charge.
Fusion 360 is suitable for working with the mill.
In general, the rule is "he-who-works-first-at-the-machine-is-working-on-it" applies. However, we are happy to make an exception for longer, larger or very complex projects. Just contact us!
Yes and no.
Yes. Just talk to us about it and we'll weigh up whether and how commissioning and the associated costs become necessary.
But it's also no: Fab Lab Siegen is fundamentally concerned with "Do it yourself!". Feel free to come by and use our infrastructure after receiving a safety briefing to realize your projects.
Yes. Just talk to us about it and we'll weigh up whether and how commissioning and the associated costs become necessary.
But it's also no: Fab Lab Siegen is fundamentally concerned with "Do it yourself!". Feel free to come by and use our infrastructure after receiving a safety briefing to realize your projects.
We only have a very old scanner that requires a lot of pre- and post-processing.
Instead, we recommend 3D scanning software like the open source tool Meshroom:
In principle, yes, in the places provided for this purpose. Please ask a member of staff. We reserve the right to refuse posters.
After reaching the age of 18, the laboratory may be used independently after receiving a safety instruction. For all those who are younger than 17 years old, the following applies: if you want to work in the laboratory, you need a safety briefing every 6 months. If you are younger than 14, you are only allowed to work in the lab with a supervisor (who also has to do a safety briefing).
Accident insurance coverage via the responsible accident insurance fund NRW exists for employees of the university and students who use the laboratory to fulfill their professional or student tasks. This means that students and employees are covered by accident insurance through the Unfallkasse NRW as part of their (official) duties. Other users and uses of the Fab Lab Siegen are part of the (private law) business liability insurance of the University of Siegen.
All users of the lab are liable for damages caused by improper use of the existing facilities and equipment. The conclusion of a liability insurance is therefore recommended.
Safety Instructions
No, registration is not required. Just come to the lab on time for the appointment. Staff members will then be in the lab and will determine the program for the respective briefing together with the interested parties present. You can find out when the safety briefing will take place in the opening hours.
In principle, anyone interested can participate in a safety briefing from the age of 14.
For participants under 18, as well as for the use of the Lab in general, the consent of a parent or guardian is required, as well as an assurance of the duty of supervision.
The safety instruction is free for everybody.
For working with the machines please visit us during the open lab. Find the times under activities > events.
Machine Usage
FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)
As control software one can use for nearly all printers PrusaSlicer. Alternatives are for example Cura or Slic3r.
In the lab are the following models:
Prusa i3 MK3s, Prusa i3 MK3s with Prusa MMU2s, Ultimaker 2 Extended+, Lulzbot TAZ 5 and Aya (DIY-Printer, Kossel Mini).
Composite Material Printer
There is currently no software available for download for these printers. Slicing takes place online in the browser. An authorized user account is required for this.
In the lab we have Mark One and Markforged Mark Two.
When handling resin, it is essential to observe the safety regulations and instructions. Special gloves are required, for example.
Our Formlabs Form 1+ is no longer supported by the manufacturer, so an older version of the control software must be used.
In the lab we have Prusa SL1, Formlabs Form1+ and Formlabs Form 3.
Laser Sintering
When handling LS printers, it is essential to observe the safety regulations and instructions. Gloves and mouth protection are required, for example.
The control software is Sinterit Studio and is available to the staff. The control software for the Sintratec Kit is provided on request.
In the lab we have the Sintratec Kit and the Sinterit Lisa Pro.
Laser Cutter
Special care must be taken when handling the laser cutters. There is an acute risk of fire. Safety regulations and instructions must be followed.
All 3D CAD programs that can export 2D graphics and all 2D drawing programs are suitable as design software for the laser cutters.
In the lab are the Glowforge Pro and Lotus Blue125-DC.
Collaborative Robotic Arm
When handling the robot, it is essential to observe the safety regulations and instructions. For example, no person may be within the robot's operating range.
In the lab we have the Universal Robotics UR10e.
Cutting Plotter
When using the cutting plotter explicit safety instructions and regulations have to be followed. For example it is likely to to trip.
In the lab is the Roland UV-Drucker / Cutting Plotter LEC-330.
CNC Mill
When handling a milling machine, it is essential to observe safety regulations and instructions. For example, safety goggles and hearing protection are required. Any 3D CAD program is suitable as design software. One recommendation is Fusion 360, which generates the design and the G-code required for the milling process (CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing).
In the lab we have the EAS HEAVY 800XL, X-Carve and Stämpfli.
Your question wasn’t answered? Don’t hesitate to contact us.