About the Fab Lab
Fab Lab Siegen is an interdisciplinary (creative) workshop at the University of Siegen that is open to everyone and focuses on collaborative work and experimentation with the fabrication of (almost) any object. The mission statement is made up of various points about contributing to the future and responsibility for people, society and technology.
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What is a Fab Lab?
Fab Labs (Fabrication Laboratories) are thus intended to be useful to people – regardless of expertise, education and background – to be able to plan and implement projects in exchange and collaboration with others.
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Machines & Technologies
We have a bouquet of machines in the Fab Lab that use different manufacturing processes. Here you will find an overview of which machines we have and what features they have. Instructions for use and hints can be found in the FAQs.
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This page summarizes who works at Fab Lab Siegen and their responsibilities.
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