A Suitcase Filled With Heart

At the beginning there is a story. A reappraisal of feeling, put into words and released into the world. “Du dunkles Herz” (“You dark Heart”) by Tobias Gruseck comes as an appealing red booklet and is a story about a suitcase full of money that darkens hearts. But promoting literature depends on more than the content of the text. A myth around it is good, maybe an eccentric author, a scandal. Or a suitcase, in it: hearts. If you touch one of the hearts, or the oak leaf next to it, you suddenly hear voices. Text passages that match the object touched resound softly and wonderfully recited from the case and make you want to listen to the story.

A story is told here with multimedia and attention to detail

Jenny and Simon took on the presentation of the work and built the suitcase. Wired inside is a touch board from Bare Conductive® that is connected via conductive yarn to things that are historically significant and, in some cases, 3D printed. Touching the thread closes the circuit and the text passages stored on the chip and previously recorded with virtuosity are played.

Literature as a haptic experience

All this was first presented in Bad Säckingen at “Kunst trifft Handwerk,” an annual outdoor event at the picturesque Trompeterschlößchen, where Germany and Switzerland bundled streams of tourists before the pandemic moved in. The title of the event also fits perfectly with this haptic project, which combines literary effusion with gifted tinkering. Currently on display at Fab Lab Siegen.

From Now On: Lab Opening for Members of The University of Siegen Every Wednesday

Dear Community,

Good news for some of you: from now on we will extend our Studi-Lab to all university members. Anyone who works or studies at the University of Siegen is allowed to come to us on Wednesdays from 10 am to 4 pm and work independently on their projects, provided they observe the appropriate hygiene conditions.

As everyone who wants to work in our lab needs a safety briefing, we offer these safety briefings every Wednesday at 10 am (usually they last about 90 minutes). An registration for these safety instructions is required.

Details about registration and some answers to possible questions can be found at our opening hours.

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