On the 31. of August Alazhar will do a beginners workshop, where you can learn the basics in microcontroller programming and connecting basic sensors like a light dependent resistor (LDR).

The workshop is held in English!

What are we doing in the workshop?

The workshop will focus on the practical parts. We are doing a short introduction to what a microcontroller is, the Arduino IDE (the program to bring your code to the micocontroller), who to write basic programs in C++ to use sensors with the microcontroller. We are doing also some experiments in the workshop.

What can I learn there?

  • Understand the mechanism of operation of smart devices and introduction to how to start manufacturing these devices
  • Understanding electronic parts and how they are used in different fields and employ them in all devices.
  • Building smart projects using the ESP system.

For whom is this workshop?

It is for beginners who want to program and build there own smart devices. Programming or electrotechnical skills are not required. Also people younger than 18 are welcome, but you need a legal guardian, because of insurance reasons.

When, how, where?

  • When? 31. August, 14:00 – 18:00
  • Where? Fab Lab Siegen, Herrengarten 2, 57072 Siegen Access from the Siegufer (Brüder-Busch-Straße)
  • Do I need to sign up? No. But we have only 10 hardware kits. So first come – first serve. You also can build teams
  • What does it cost? ** It is free, we do not charge anything.** Donations are welcome.
  • I am younger than 18! Am I allowed to participate?: Yes, but you must have a legal guardian with you (sorry).
  • Facebook-Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/667574063722826/

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